China and Germany Join Hands to Create a Green Future in the Transport Sector
On 6 June, NDC-TIA’s China Component has successfully closed, thanks to the collaboration between the China and German governments. Working closely together, NDC-TIA partners in China was able to achieve significant progress in decarbonizing the transport sector, through extensive research, policy recommendations, and technological advancements.

EVENT UPDATE: Low Carbon-Transport in Progress: Transforming Transport in Asia
Follow this page for daily updates from “Low-Carbon Prosperity in Progress: Transforming Transport in Asia", the regional conference of the NDC Transport Initiative for Asia (NDC TIA), in Bangkok, Thailand between 25 and 28 June, 2024.

EVENT RECAP: 2023 Annual China Workshop on Subnational Levels - Opportunities with Low-carbon Transport Transition
On 2 August, WRI and the Shenzhen Urban Transport Planning Center jointly organized a workshop to explore how provinces and cities could control the growth of transport carbon emissions while contributing to China's "Transport Strong Nation" vision.

EVENT RECAP: She ACTs – Accelerating Carbon-neutral Transportation with a Gender Perspective
On August 1, 2023, the NDC Transport Initiative for Asia’s (NDC-TIA) China Component project invited experts and practitioners from the fields of low-carbon development and sociology for a joint discussion.

EVENT RECAP: 2023 Annual China Workshop - Opportunities for a Low-carbon Transition of Guangdong Transport Sector
On April 11th, 2023, WRI, jointly with Guangdong climate stakeholders, organized a workshop on achieving zero-emission transport. In order to scale up the province’s current success, the workshop participants agreed that more and intensified dialogues among different stakeholders including policymakers, researchers, and the industry are needed.

BLOG: 5 Lessons from China, India, Vietnam on Decarbonizing Transport and Accelerating Climate Action
Building on the interviews with NDC-TIA partners and other organizations working in China, India, and Vietnam, this final blog highlights the key commonalities and lessons on accelerating zero-emission transport for similar countries in Asia.

Myth Busters of Sustainable Transport
Based on the “Path to Zero” report, our new Myth Buster series addresses common misconceptions, to spotlight both the opportunities and challenges associated with achieving zero emissions in the sector.

New Mentorship Program from Women on the Move Network
Women on the Move Network is calling women working to advance the transport sector in Asia to submit applications to become a mentee or a mentor (4 years experience required) by November 11, 2022.

EVENT RECAP: Workshop on Road Transport Emission Modeling for Chinese Cities
A workshop on Decarbonising China’s Transport Sector was held online on August 15th, 2022. This workshop explored the current challenges and opportunities for the establishment of transport emission models and facilitating peer-to-peer learning among Chinese cities/provinces.

BLOG: 4 Lessons on Increasing Transport Mitigation Ambition in China
Based on interviews with NDC-TIA partners and other organizations working in China, this blog highlights the four lessons on effective multilateral collaboration to advance China’s NDCs and raise ambition for transport decarbonization.

China Component: Work in Progress Brochure
This brochure, “Towards Zero Emission Transport in China I“ showcase the work in progress for NDC-TIA’s China component in 2021. It contains QR codes to key knowledge products and events.

BLOG: China’s efforts to decarbonize road transport are decent, but not sufficient
In this blog, ICCT recommends that China establish GHG emission standards with a robust compliance program for cars and trucks.

Few Days Left to Apply for “Decarbonising Transport Award (DTA)” for Emerging Economies
The ITF launched the Decarbonising Transport Award: Supporting ideas that cut transport CO2 in emerging economies. The award recognizes projects with great potential to help decarbonize transport in these nations and is awarded in two categories: the Research Award and the Innovation Award.

EVENT RECAP: 2021 NDC-TIA “Decarbonising Transport” Workshop Series in China
To contribute international knowledge and best practice to the development of climate policies aiming to lower emissions in China’s transport sector, the National Determined Contributions Transport Initiative For Asia (NDC-TIA) project organized various workshops as part of the “National Determined Contributions Transport Initiative for Asia 2021 Event Series – Decarbonising Transport”. The event series took place from October to December 2021.

Woman on the Move Network is promoting gender equality in Asia
Women on the Move network is calling for women working in the transport sector in Asia to submit applications its new mentorship program before November 11, 2022.

Woman on the Move Network is promoting gender equality in Asia
Founded in summer 2021, the Women on the Move network is a initiative born out of NDC-TIA and the Network has already hosted two online panel discussions and created a LinkedIn Networking Group. This article gives an overview of the network and its ambition to transform transport in Asia.

EVENT RECAP: The Second UN Global Sustainable Transport Conference in Beijing
The focus of the Second UN Global Sustainable Transport Conference in Beijiing laid on the opportunities, challenges and solutions towards achieving sustainable transport worldwide. Representatives from 171 countries discussed how to align transport with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement. An important outcome of the conference is the “Beijing Statement of the Second United Nations Global Sustainable Transport Conference“.

ADVISORY: China’s Updated NDCs and 1+N Policy System for Carbon Neutrality
On October 28th, 2021, three days ahead of the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of Parties (COP26), China submitted its updated Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to the UNFCCC.

REPORT: Overview of China’s Climate Pathway and its Transport Sector Impacts
The German Corporation for International Cooperation GmbH (GIZ) has published the paper: Overview on China’s climate pathway and implications to the transport sector.

REPORT: China’s National Comprehensive Three-dimensional Transportation Network Planning Outline
The German Corporation for International Cooperation GmbH (GIZ) has published the paper: Overview on China’s climate pathway and implications to the transport sector.