Default event time is in EST. This event took place on November 23rd, 2021, 9:00 – 17:15, China Standard Time (CST, UTC+8).
This online workshop is NDC-TIA’s annual workshop for the China component work, titled “Planning and Major Policies for Peaking Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Transportation and Carbon Neutrality [国家自主贡献亚洲交通减排倡议 (NDC-TIA) 2021年系列活动-交通脱碳:交通碳达峰、碳中和政策技术交流会]”.
The workshop focused on peaking CO2 emissions and carbon neutrality from a regional perspective. Participants presented detailed updates from key markets, including about macro-level planning for road transportation decarbonization, targets, and policies. Additionally, international and Chinese institutions provided key research findings to-date about China’s pathways for carbon reduction from transportation.
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Photo from the event web page.