
Summary report: Develop a national programme for transition to electric transport vehicles
The summary report on "Developing a National Program for Transition to Electric Transport in Vietnam" outlines a strategic framework to shift the country’s transport sector towards electric vehicles (EVs).

Towards Decarbonising Transport: Vietnam 2024
This factsheet provides a comprehensive overview on Vietnam’s climate ambition in the transport sector.

Summary report: Developing an E-mobility Action Plan in Ho Chi Minh City
This publication summarizes the development of an E-mobility Action Plan tailored to the needs of Ho Chi Minh City, aiming to accelerate the rate of electrification in transport.

EV Samvaad: India’s Electric Mobility Initiatives, 2023-24
EV Samvaad is a compendium of electric mobility initiatives in India, covering the period from April 2023 to March 2024. It aims to monitor India’s electric vehicle (EV) landscape and decode policy interventions, implementation roadmaps, and industry-wide adoption plans.

A smooth ride to renewable energy: 7 actions for public transport to address emissions and air pollution by advancing renewables
This policy brief produced in a collaboration between UITP and REN21 proposes actions and solutions that can accelerate the path to achieve net zero and carbon neutral goals through the connection between renewable energy and public transport. This brief is for public transport authorities, public transport operators, urban planners and anyone interested in advancing renewables in public transport.

National Comprehensive Three-dimensional Transportation Network Planning Outline
The outline is a strategic top-level policy guiding the development of a comprehensive and fully integrated transport system in China with a planning period from 2021 to 2035, and a vision to the middle of this century.