Post-COVID-19 Green Recovery Assessment of Road Transport - From a Gender Perspective
By Nguyen Van Quyen, Do Xuan Hoa
Transport certainly remains a pillar for any development model and economy. To recover the operation of road transport enterprises in the “new normal” and improve adaptability to ensure a stable and sustainable economy, it is essential to conduct this study for assessing the import of COVID-19, with appropriate adaptation measures proposed. Transport is one of a number of sectors where the workforce is dominated by men. In Viet Nam, female officials, civil servants and employees make up only about 24% of the total of about 150,000 people. Numerous reports indicate that the COVID-19 pandemic has different impacts on men and women, increasing the gender gap in some areas, especially those hit hard by the pandemic.
This thematic study explores gender perspectives in enterprises operating in road transport by assessing their resilience, and application of green and inclusive recovery measures in the post-COVID-19 pandemic as well as analyses measures, policies, and strategies toward the goal of carbon neutrality, net-zero emissions in the transport sector in Viet Nam.
The study aims to provide a gender insight for the Ministry of Transport, transport enterprises, relevant agencies, units, collectives, and individuals in the development and/or advocacy for green and inclusive post-COVID-19 transport policies with a gender perspective.
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