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Transport Decarbonization Pathways @ ADB Transport Forum

Default event time is in EST. This event will take place on April 5th, 2022, 4:00 - 5:30 PM Manila Time (PHST, UTC+8). Register here.

During this session at the ADB Transport Forum, discussions will revolve around the key barriers and entry points to shift beyond existing approaches and towards the design of transport solutions that can meet the urgent ambitions of promoting low carbon development. Speakers will discuss current developments in decarbonizing transport across modes, share best practices and perspectives on integrated measures to promote low carbon development, and ultimately net-zero trajectories, and stimulate a larger dialogue on how to create an enabling environment for integrated approaches across sectors to accelerate solutions in the transport-energy nexus.

The session will be moderated by:

  • Noelle O’ Brien, Chief Climate Change & Disaster Risk Management Thematic Group concurrently Director of SDCD

And include the following guests:

  • Lynn Loo, Professor and CEO Global Centre for Maritime Decarbonization

  • Yidian Luo, Transport Specialist at Asian Development Bank (ADB)

  • Edward Clayton, Deals Partner, Capital Projects & Infrastructure at PwC Malaysia

  • Urda Eichhorst, Project Director of NDC Transport Initiative for Asia at GIZ

  • Jürg Grütter, CEO of Grütter Consulting

See the full agenda of ADB Transport Forum 2022 here.

Photo from GIZ.

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